
date:2024-08-07 16:14:15


  ibidi为3D细胞模型的创建和基于图像的分析提供了先进的、可定制的解决方案。ibidi的模块化系统旨在简化尖端3D细胞分析的复杂性。通过整合ibidi产品的各种组件,研究人员可以毫不费力地管理复杂的设计,提高其科学研究的稳健性和效率。使用ibidi µ-Slides/µ-Dishes/µ-Plates、ibidi Pump System或ibidi Stage Top Incubators,可以将您的研究提升到一个新的水平,并获得更准确可靠的结果。
  3D细胞培养实验需要具有绝对精度和可靠性的稳健设置。ibidi产品,包括µ-Slides/ µ-Dishes/ µ-Plates、ibidi Pump System和 ibidi Stage Top Incubators,专为在生理条件下进行和分析3D细胞培养试验而设计。由于其灵活性和模块化,它们可以很容易地适应您的实验需求。
  1、Human blastoids were cultured on a 3D matrix using the µ-Slide 8 Well.
  Karvas RM, Zemke JE, Ali SS, Upton E, Sane E, Fischer LA, Dong C, Park KM, Wang F, Park K, Hao S, Chew B, Meyer B, Zhou C, Dietmann S, Theunissen TW. 3D-cultured blastoids model human embryogenesis from pre-implantation to early gastrulation stages. Cell Stem Cell., 2023, 10.1016/j.stem.2023.08.005.
  2、3D sandwich cultures of squameous cell carcinoma cells were done in the µ-Plate 96 Well 3D.
  E. Hoque Apu, S.U. Akram, J. Rissanen, H. Wan and T. Salo. Desmoglein 3 – Influence on oral carcinoma cell migration and invasion. Experimental Cell Research, 2018, 10.1016/j.yexcr.2018.06.037.
  3、The 12 Well Chamber, removable was used for the cultivation of 3D human acinar ductal metaplasia cells.
  da Silva, L., Jiang, J., Perkins, C. et al. Pharmacological inhibition and reversal of pancreatic acinar ductal metaplasia. Cell Death Discov., 2022, 10.1038/s41420-022-01165-4.
  4、3D cell culture of human breast epithelial MCF10A cells was done in the µ-Slide 8 Well.
  H. Grobe, A. Wüstenhagen, C. Baarlink, R. Grosse and K. Grikscheit. A Rac1-FMNL2 signaling module affects cell-cell contact formation independent of Cdc42 and membrane protrusions. PloS one, 2018, 10.1371/journal.pone.0194716.

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